The Ice Hockey Federation of Slovenia will host the IIHF 2016 Women’s World Championship in Division II Group A. In the days between April 2nd and 8th the Ice Hall at Lake Bled will be a venue for matches between national teams of the Croatia, Great Britain, Korea, Poland, DPR Korea and hosts – Slovenia.

The intention of the Ice Hockey Federation Slovenia is to use the championship to promote sport, especially women’s ice hockey. Having in mind our desire that as many as possible of people will attend the matches, especially potential young players – entrance to all games will be free of charge.

Hokejska zveza Slovenije bo gostila IIHF 2016 Žensko svetovno prvenstvo v Diviziji II Skupini A. V dneh od 2. do 8. aprila bo Ledena dvorana ob blejskem jezeru prizorišče tekem reprezentanc Hrvaške, Velike Britanije, Južne Koreje, Poljske, Severne Koreje in domačink – Slovenije.

Namen Hokejske zveze Slovenije je omenjeno prvenstvo čim bolj izkoristiti za promocijo športa, še zlasti ženskega hokeja. V želji, da bi si čim več ljubiteljev hokeja ogledalo prvenstvo – še zlasti potencialne mlade igralke – bo vstop na vse tekme prost.

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